Position at the assistant/associate level in coastal ecological modeling here at the University of Central Florida. This position is part of a new interdisciplinary cluster initiative focused on Sustainable Coastal Systems (http://ucf.edu/research/coastalsystems). In addition to this hire there will be 4 additional new hires in the areas of ecological engineering, coastal planning, ecological economics, and coastal political geography who will join 34 current cluster faculty representing eleven departments and six colleges. The goal is to lead a world-class effort to understand and assess natural and human-related impacts to coastal ecosystem health, restoration, sustainability, and mitigation; and ultimately to characterize and integrate physical, chemical, biological, and socio-economic processes impacting coastal communities and ecosystems. This team will be focused on working across traditional research boundaries to address the coastal zone as a single integrated ecological-social-economic system. The full posting for this job can be seen here at https://www.jobswithucf.com/postings/43918.
Graham A.J. Worthy, Ph.D.
Department Chair, Provost’s Distinguished Research Professor of Biology,
Hubbs-Sea World Endowed Professor of Marine Mammalogy, and
Director, Physiological Ecology and Bioenergetics Lab
Director, Sustainable Coastal Systems Cluster
Department of Biology, University of Central Florida,
4110 Libra Dr., Room BIO302A
Orlando FL 32816-2368
407-823-1333 office
407-823-5769 fax
skype: graham.worthy