2017: Position in environmental evaluation of new ingredients in fish feeds at INRA Rennes, France

The French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), is devoted to producing knowledge and innovation in the fields of food, environment, regional development and sustainable agriculture.

We propose a post doc position based at the research unit “Sol Agro et hydrosystème Spatialisation” (UMR SAS) at Rennes, Brittany, France (http://www6.rennes.inra.fr/umrsas/).

Our group is dedicated to the evaluation of the environmental impacts of agricultural production systems. Our studies follow two main objectives:

  • The development of methods for the environmental evaluation of farming systems. Life Cycle Analysis is at the basis of our methodological work.
  • The evaluation of existing and new production systems. Work on pig production, fish production systems, dairy systems and on the evaluation of environmental impacts and ecological sustainability at the level of a farming region is ongoing.

Research project:

The present position called “environmental evaluation of new ingredients for fish feed using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)”, is included in a large project:  NINAqua funded by the National Development Bank (http://www.polemermediterranee.com/DAS-Projets/Ressources-biologiques-marines/Aquaculture-durable/NINAQUA) involving teams of several different private companies and French research institutes (Le Gouessant, INRA, Ifremer, Algae Natural Food, Copalis, Lesaffre, ITAVI, Institut Pasteur). This project is focused on the study of the performances of new ingredients and feeds, to be a sustainable alternative to fish and soybean meal in fish feeds (trout and seabass).

Our task in the project aims to produce environmental impact assessment of ingredients, feeds and fish production, based on modelling and experiments conducted by other partners using the LCA methodology. The method will be adapted according to the production systems and the regional backgrounds.

This project focuses on 4 points:

  • The optimisation of fishfeed composition according to nutritional, environmental and prices (collaboration with other partners)
  • The calculation of fishfeed environmental assessment at fish farm using attributional LCA
  • The development of a consequential LCA taking into account the economic market changes in feed production sector (Coll. ITAVI)
  • The inclusion of uncertainty analysis in both attributional and consequential LCA.

Applicant profile:

Applicants should have a MSC, Engineer diploma or preferably PhD in environmental science, natural resources management, animal production, farming systems research, agronomy or a closely related field. Experience with environmental assessment approaches is desirable, especially on Life Cycle Assessment. Ability to work in a team and verbal and written communication skills are required. Basic knowledge of the French language is necessary.

The positions are open to both French and non-French candidates.

Operating conditions:

The position is based at UMR SAS, INRA, Rennes Centre, France.

Duration is 12 months from December 2017;

Gross remuneration according to national public sector (and experience) around 2300 € / month


Please send CV and motivation letter to:

Joël Aubin : joel.aubin@inra.fr


65 rue de Saint Brieuc

CS 84 215

35 042 Rennes cedex, France