Au sein de l’Initiative Française pour les Récifs Coralliens (IFRECOR), il a été mis en place une
activité intitulée : Thème d’Intérêt Transversal « Biodiversité » qui a pour objectif de permettre l’accès
à tous, notamment aux gestionnaires, aux informations relatives à la distribution des espèces récifales
des collectivités d’outre-mer. LIRE LA SUITE –>

FELLOWSEA is the Programme for Post-Doctoral Talent Attraction developed by the University of Vigo on behalf of the Campus do Mar network and co-funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission, which intends on building a particularly favourable environment to attract the best experienced researchers in marine and maritime science, technology and management.

FELLOWSEA offers three year grants to 10 incoming experienced researchers, non-Spanish residents, providing the opportunity to develop her/his research project within the framework of institutions participating under Campus do Mar. Fellows will be hosted by one of the several research groups existing in the hosting institutions: the University of Vigo, the University of A Coruña, and the Spanish Institute of Oceanography from its headquarters in A Coruña and Vigo.